Let Them Be Kids

"LET THEM BE KIDS" is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thank you to Paramount Energy/Perpetual Energy !!!!


You are an awesome company who helped to supprt Freedom Park.  A BIG Thank you goes out to Paramount Energy, which is now Perpetual Energy.  Your support helped many children in our community get an amazing park.  Thank you again for everything, as our kids can enjoy something they deserve.  They get to play!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Husky Oil Operations Ltd. Freedom Park Thanks you!!


Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
Cold Lake  780-594-5222
Bonnyville 780-826-6453

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.  Thanks to Husky Oil for your support in the building of Freedom Park.  This dream came true with the help of local companies just like you.  Your kind and caring nature really shines through.  Your company has helped to bring a very special park to our community.  Thank you so very much!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thank you to the Cold Lake Fire Fighters!!!

Thank you so much to all of the Cold Lake Fire Fighters who not only gave up their time for the pre-build days but also who brought out the truck on the build day.  So many kids enjoyed having you around.  The love to see the big truck and all of its bells and whistles.  They also loved to see all of you who came out that day.  Your support in this wonderful build was amazing.  We really could not have asked for a better crew.  Thanks for all of your time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thank you very much to Blair McCaffrey and Chris Martineau of Site Energy Services

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Thank you very much to Blair McCaffrey and Chris Martineau from SITE Energy Services.  The both of you deserve a really big THANK YOU.  We would have been still digging by hand if it wasn't for both of you.  You not only gave the orders to come in and dig but to also take it all out as well.... Thank you.Thank you to Blair as well for sitting through the build/construction meeting.  I know you both are extremely busy people and I honestly can't say it enough....Thank you to the 2 of you.  SITE Energy Services are awesome.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cold Lake RONA deserves a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!

Jay At Cold Lake RONA really pulled through for Freedom Park.  He not only donated all of the 6X6 lumber but also gaves us the forklift for the week.  We could not have got the playground equipment out of the truck and anywhere near the ground without the forklift.  2 full skids of lumber minus 1 piece was what he had estimated our lumber quote to be.  Thank you so much for everything you and your company did for Freedom Park.  Your generosity was awesome.  Thanks
4903  50Ave.
Cold Lake, Alberta

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thank You Humpty's Cold Lake

Thank you very much to Humpty's Cold Lake.  You generous donation came when we thought we were at a stand still for donations.  Your support helped us be able to get the BEST park in the Cold Lake area.The kids certainly loved to here that Humpty gave a donation to their playground .  Thank you so very much as we really appreciate everything you do for our area!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thank You for everything B & R ECKLES

Homer McKale, you and B & R Eckles are WONDERFUL.  Thank you for your money donation, trucking donation, hot dog and hamburger donation, BBQ and Cliff for cooking donation.  We would not have had it so easy without your help. You and B & R are an important part of this community and you have showed your true colours.  Thank you again for all that you have done for Freedom Park.  We appreciate everything you did, more than you'll ever know!!!  B & R ECKLES   THANK   YOU   !!!!!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An enormous Thank you goes out to Pierre Simard - SIMARD BOBCAT SERVICES

A Community coming together is a group of words that are very hard to believe in the beginning of anything of a large task. Freedom Park was a large task that so many community members and businesses came together.  Pierre Simard of Simards Bobcat Services was one of those businesses.  He has no children and works at CFB Cold Lake.  He has no ties to our school.  But here is a man who spent over 3 days from Pre-build to the build day with us.  Then even helping to back fill some of the hole that needs to be filled in.  He has gone over, above and beyond.  Our community is very lucky to have people like this in it.  We are Thankful for you Pierre.  We couldn't have done it without.  From just coming in to dig a few holes to doing so much more!!!!  Thank You so very much!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thank You CAPP / Energy in Action

Thank you very much to CAPP / Energy in Action.  Your support in helping us to build an outdoor classroom, has made another dream come true.  Your willingness to help us was wonderful.  Thank you to the 5 local companies that made this a reality:  Crescent Point, Esso, Cenovus, Devon Canada, CNRL.  Your generosity has made a dream of the kids for an outdoor classroom and mine come to fruition.  The ground was hard but the trees and plants look awesome.  The greenhouse and planters combined with the benches are an amazing sight.  Thank you again for helping our grade 3s' understand about being stewards for their future!!!  This is what we need to see more of. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thank you to Northern Lights Lions club & the Lions bingo club

Thank you very much Northern Lights Lions club and the Lions Bingo.  Your support to Freedom park early on was wonderful.  The children of Cold Lake Elementary School did a big hurray when they were told that you had donated to the playground.  This gave hope to our kids that they could get a playground soon.  You all are truly wonderful people and so very kind!!!  Thank you again.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thank you to Lafarge Canada

A really big THANK YOU goes out to Colin Perepelitza, production superintendent for Lafarge Cold Lake area.  You went over and above for our kids.   We are forever grateful to you and your company.  I hope your signature sealed the deal (2011 Quarter).  You didn't bargain for the bench pads, but you didn't complain.  You are a giving person.  From all of us to you and your company, Thank you so much!!!   I hope that you will come to the playground and enjoy it.  You helped make a dream come true!!!!!!
Colin Perepelitza
Production Superintendent, Cold Lake Area
Box 818, Hwy.55W  Cold Lake Industrial Park