Let Them Be Kids

"LET THEM BE KIDS" is an all volunteer, non-profit organization created to build community capacity on the grassroots level; while building playgrounds, skate parks and fitness parks across Canada. These projects leave a legacy of community members who are inspired and better equipped to lay a strong foundation for a brighter tomorrow.

Friends of Cold Lake Elementary School's Playground

Corporate and Organization Donors:
A&A Glass                                          
Western Roofing                            
Cold Lake Legion                             
Lakeland Credit Union                  
CL Rugby (Charlene Peters)        
Northern Lights Realty                  
United Way                                       
Northern Lights Lions Club          
Northern Lights Lions Club          
Grand Centre Lions Club              
Husky Group                                     
Contain Enviro                                                  
Lake City Motor’s                            
Mo’s Pizza                                          
Esso (Bottles)                                   
Bottle Depot Donation                 
Paramount Energy                         
Shell Orion                                       
Devon Canada  

For their generous support, also a special thanks to…                                                  
Mayor Copeland and the City of Cold Lake
The Community Facility Enhancement Program
Individual Donors
Grade 2 Donation 2009/10          
Maddie (student)
Lucois (student)
Dr. Naomi White                             
C. Lefebvre                                        
Dr. and Mrs. Peters
Bob McRae 

Nicole Farris-donated a painting for auction

Sammy & James (Students)